Hajj Travel – Recommendations & Requirements 2012

Every devout Muslim seeks to perform the Hajj on at least one occasion during their life. This pilgrimage, which is a central duty of Islam, brings Muslims from all over the world together as they visit the holy cities of Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia. Each year over two million gather to celebrate the five ‘pillars’ of Islam.

All travellers are required to provide evidence of vaccination against Meningococcal Meningitis (ACYW-135). This vaccine has to have been given to every traveller within the previous three years and at least 10 days before arrival into Saudi Arabia. (Other vaccinations against Meningitis C or Meningococcal A&C are not acceptable.)

Even though it is not a requirement of entry to perform the Hajj or visit Saudi Arabia, travellers are strongly advised to consider the following vaccinations;

  • Influenza / Pneumococci
  • Pandemic Influenza
  • Poliomyelitis
  • Hepatitis A / Typhoid
  • Hepatitis B

Hajj – Travel Health Advice

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