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Tropical Medical Bureau

Tropical Medical Bureau
Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin 
A96V2V5, Ireland

Phone 00-353-1-2715-200
Fax 00-353-1-2715-210

Contact Us

Using a web based form to provide any level of medical care or information has some obvious limitations so please understand that our staff have to operate under strict protocols and guidelines.

Also, please be aware that TMB will seek to reply to your query as soon as possible but delays can occur due to various factors.

However if your query is related to an urgent medical problem and you do not receive a reply from us shortly please always seek other medical attention. Never rely on using this contact form for emergency medical attention.

This section can be used for routine contact with TMB. In most cases these queries will be dealt with by one of our administration staff. Please understand that they cannot give any level of medical advice.

Any information they can give should not be used in place of a medical consultation with one of our doctors.

Choose your general enquiry below

Every day we receive many requests from individuals who are not actually registered TMB or Nomad patients and so we do not have their information within our systems.

The answers to many enquiries are now available through the myTMB service which is free to access for all registered TMB / Nomad patients.

To Access myTMB you will need to know your USER NAME (this is not your email address) and also your personal PASSWORD.< If these are not available please use this form bellow to request these details.

One of our admin staff will review the information you provide and send a ‘reactivation’ link to the email registered against your account.

If your email has changed we may require further confirmation to allow us complete this request.

If you DO know your USER NAME and PASSWORD

  1. Open the on-line facility
  2. Use the ‘LOG-IN’ option and this will bring you to the myTMB landing page.
  3. From the menu you will be able to see your vaccine schedule showing any ones remaining to be given and also what vaccines have been administered etc. You can also reprint any invoices registered against your records and print a certificate confirming the administration of any more recent vaccines.

In order to send you details so that you can access your personal myTMB account we need to verify some of your information. If these do not match what we have recorded one of our admin staff will need to contact you to ensure we provide the correct details.

Your past vaccine history should be available within your personal myTMB facility.

Any information they can give should not be used in place of a medical consultation with one of our doctors.

Your WHO vaccination book shows what vaccines were administered and on the right side it also shows when booster doses are needed. On the TMB website you can see what vaccines are usually required or recommended for any country throughout the world. To discuss this through in greater details you really will need to see one of the TMB doctors.

See our Duration of Cover for Individual Travel Vaccines page for further information.


We can reissue your official WHO yellow vaccination card which will have the full details of all vaccines administered through TMB clinics. There is an administration charge of €12.50. It usually takes up to two working days to have this new card available for collection but it may take longer if we have to gather information from many of the TMB clinics throughout Ireland.

Using the form below please indicate when you were seen and in which TMB clinics. Please make sure you give the same email address which you used when you had your consultation. We can only provide any medical details to the individual patient themselves and not to a second party. If you have not been seen for 2 or more years then your records will have been archived and it will take a few days for these to be retrieved and then checked by our medical staff.

Also, see our Vaccine Duration Advice Page

This request cannot be dealt with by our administration staff. The answer will depend on your actual itinerary and a number of other factors which can only be fully assessed during a consultation with one of our doctors.


This request cannot be dealt with by our administration staff. The actual answer will depend on the specific details of your changed itinerary and a number of other factors (duration, accommodation etc). If you send us detailed information on your plans we will try to advise but you may also need to be seen in a local medical centre to talk this through.

This section should only be used by our registered patients for very urgent or emergency contact with TMB. Our on-call doctor/nurse will assess your query as quickly as possible but please be aware that sometimes there may be delays which are outside our control. Please do NOT use this section for queries relating to past vaccines or other non-emergency issues.

If you have a serious medical issue it is essential that you do not rely on this facility and that you are seen in an appropriate medical centre wherever you are as soon as possible.

Choose your emergency enquiry below

Please tell us where you currently based and if you have seen any local medical service to discuss your sickness. Carefully detail your symptoms giving all relevant information on your illness such as when it started, have you any rash, headaches, fever, sweating, diarrhoea as well as what risk factors may have occurred during the past few days before you became sick. Also give an indication of your travel plans for the next few days and if you have any travelling companions who can help look after you during this illness.

If you have been bitten, licked or scratched by a warm blooded animal (eg dogs, cats, monkeys etc) or exposed to a bat / flying fox etc then it is essential that you treat this possible risk very seriously. Immediately wash out the wound area with copious amounts of clean water, apply an antiseptic and seek urgent medical attention. If you wish to discuss this through further please use the form to carefully itemise all the relevant information such as where you are at present, the type of animal involved as well as the level of contact (eg bite, lick, scratch).

If safe to do so, tell us if the animal is able to eat/drink after your exposure. Also let us know if you have been seen by any medical practitioner what advice has been recommended / given. Where you are based as well as what travel plans you have are also very important when trying to make a decision as to what action needs to be taken.

Please give detailed information relating to the illness you have experienced and also what advice / action has been given so far. We also need to know where you are based and what travel plans you have for the next days / weeks.

We will try to assist as well as possible though please do remember and accept that on-line based information should never replace a comprehensive face to face medical consultation.

Enter date of Birth to confirm age
Approx date of last consultation
Please select other TMB clinics you have attended. Press CTRL and click to select multiple clinics.
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Tropical Medical Bureau
Contact Us