How to Stay Safe from Coronavirus While on Public Transport

how to stay safe from coronavirus on public transport

As COVID-19 restrictions continue to ease and people return to their daily commute, public transport usage has begun to increase once again. But, without a vaccine, many people are wondering how to stay safe from coronavirus while on public transport? Continue reading to find out…

Wear Face Coverings

In line with Government guidance, wearing a face covering is mandatory on public transport from Monday 29th June, to allow for increased capacity on our buses, trains and trams. It is also being encouraged to use face coverings in other situations where it is difficult to maintain social distance. Wearing a face covering may help prevent people who don’t know they have COVID-19 by reducing the spread of respiratory droplets, increasing protection for other passengers on public transport as well as staff.

For more information on face coverings please see Guidance on safe use of face coverings.

Maintain Good Hand Hygiene

One of the most effective ways to stay safe from Coronavirus while on public transport is by maintaining good hand hygiene. Using an alcohol-based hand rub regularly while on-the-go is a great way to reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19. It is also advised to touch as few surfaces as possible and to avoid touching your face with your hands. If you are coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue. Throw the used tissue away into a closed bin and sanitise your hands. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your flexed (bent) elbow.

Social Distance

With the increased use of public transport as the weeks go on, it may be difficult to maintain the recommended social distance of 2 metres from others while on a bus, train or tram. If you cannot keep this distance, it is encouraged to maintain a 1 metre distance where possible, in particular at entrances, exits, at bus stops, platforms or outside of stations. When on public transport, it is also recommended to travel side by side or behind other people rather than facing them to reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus.

Prepare for your Trip

Preparation is key to staying safe from coronavirus on public transport. By planning trips correctly, passengers can significantly reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19, this includes ensuring you have everything required to travel, such as a face covering and alcohol-based hand gel, and avoiding peak travel times where possible. Google Maps have recently implemented a feature which estimates busyness on public transport allowing users to see how crowded a certain bus or train line tends to be at particular times. This is a great way for public transport users to avoid crowds or find an alternative, safer route or different travel time.

More details on Google Maps’ new safety features can be found here.

For more travel health tips and advice call your local TMB clinic and book in to speak with one of our qualified professionals.

To book an appointment for vaccinations and see a list of our base and associate clinics, please contact Tropical Medical Bureau on 00-353-1-2715-200 or visit our website

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