Google Maps have added new safety features to help people get around safely


Google Maps is one of the most popular navigation apps for travellers – it’s fast, reliable, and it’s just gotten a whole lot better! As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, getting from A to B has become that bit more complicated. In light of this, Google Maps have released some new safety features to help people get around more safely, whether at home or abroad. These new features provide users with vital information relating to their travels and allow them to get to and from their destination as safely as possible. Read on to learn more…

Alerts on COVID-19 Restrictions

The first of the new safety features added to Google Maps is the COVID-19 restriction alerts. The app will now notify users with COVID-19 restrictions which may affect their journey, whether by car or public transport. These alerts include government mandates impacting travel, for example if there is a requirement to wear a mask on public transport. According to Google, transit alerts are available in Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Colombia, France, India, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain, Thailand, United Kingdom and the U.S., with more coming soon.

Google Maps have also introduced driving alerts to notify users if their route is affected by COVID-19 restrictions or checkpoints. This feature also notifies a user travelling to a medical facility, reminding them to confirm their eligibility to attend to avoid being turned away. Google have announced that alerts for medical facilities are now available in Indonesia, Israel, the Philippines, South Korea, and the U.S.

Avoid Crowds on Public Transport

In 2019, Google Maps have implemented a new feature estimating busyness on public transport. Driven by user data, these predictions allow people to see how crowded a certain bus or train line tends to be at particular times. As the world begins to re-open, this feature can be extremely useful in avoiding crowds and finding an alternative, safer route, or time. Users can increase the accuracy of Google Maps’ crowdedness feature by contribute their own experiences via the app.

Accessibility and Security

In recent months, Google Maps launched new safety features giving insights into temperature, accessibility and security onboard public transportation. These features are now available globally and provide users with valuable data from past riders as well as the option to submit their own feedback. For wheelchair users, Google Maps have added more detailed accessibility information, including locations of wheelchair accessible doors, seating, stop buttons and more.

Find more information on how to avoid COVID-19 while travelling here.

For more travel health tips and advice call your local TMB clinic and book in to speak with one of our qualified professionals. 

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