The coronavirus, Covid-19, was first recognised in December 2019 in China and now has been reported in over 219 countries and territories throughout the world. As Ireland faces it’s third wave of the virus, social media continues to overflow with advice regarding Covid-19, and the facts which we should be trusting are often diluted by the mass of misinformation and doing the rounds. Because of this, we have decided to put together this blog of Coronavirus facts and myths.
So, let’s try to dispel some of the more common myths which are circulating and see can we get a bit of perspective to the situation…
Myth – Getting COVID-19 is a death sentence
For most people, COVID-19 infection will cause a mild illness however, it can make other people very sick and can be fatal. This is mainly for the more vulnerable people – those who have an underlying health condition or are in older age. This is why it’s crucial to be more careful around vulnerable individuals, to reduce the risk of them contracting the virus.
Myth – If one person on a plane or in a train has the disease everybody will be infected
In line with government guidelines, face coverings are now mandatory on public transport in Ireland and on many airlines. Wearing a face covering can significantly lower the risk of spreading or contracting the virus by reducing the spread of respiratory droplets. For more information on face coverings and a full list of locations where a face covering is mandatory please visit Gov.ie.
For air travel, many airplanes are fitted with HEPA filters which capture more than 99% of airborne particles and have great ventilation systems consistently refreshing the air in the cabin which can reduce the spread of COVID-19 on board.
Myth – Hand gels are the best means of protecting myself
While good quality, alcohol-based hand-gels are very helpful to reduce the risk of COVID-19, careful washing of your hands, avoiding touching your face and staying away from those with obvious symptoms (flu like illness, coughing, runny eyes, fever etc) is the best way to avoid contracting the virus.
Please Note: hand gels are not effective if your hands are visibly soiled or very dirty.
Myth – If I buy food in the supermarket and then boil or cook it for our meals that should kill any virus that might be lurking
This is true but, the problem may be from you handling the food before it is heated. Take care and wash your own hands regularly after touching anything which could have been contaminated. This is why it’s vital to ensure good hand hygiene by washing your hands thoroughly or using an alcohol-based hand gel after being in a shop, using public transport or after being on an escalator.
Myth – The new coronavirus can be transmitted through goods manufactured in China or any country reporting COVID-19 cases
Experiments have shown that the virus causing COVID-19 can survive on cardboard for up to 24 hours. However, there have been no evidence of COVID-19 transmissions through contaminated packages. It is still recommended that when receiving packages or mail to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub after touching it.
Myth – COVID-19 can be transmitted through mosquito bites
Coronavirus cannot be transmitted through mosquito bites. To date there has been no information nor evidence to suggest that it could be transmitted by mosquitoes. COVID-19 is a respiratory virus which spreads primarily through droplets generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose.
Myth – Eating garlic can help prevent infection of the new coronavirus
Garlic is a healthy food that may have some antimicrobial properties. However, there is no evidence to suggest that eating garlic has protected people from coronavirus Covid-19.
For more information on COVID-19 or to book your COVID-19 PCR test, please visit our website www.tmb.ie